Veronica Vega is a sensitivity reader and copyeditor who has worked with bestselling authors and novice writers. Her experience as a freelancer has led her to work with major publishing houses like Penguin Random House, Tor, and Bloomsbury Press in various genres, including Young Adult, Romance, Literary Fiction, and YA. She has also worked with travel bloggers, hobbyists, graphic novelists, and game developers.
As an experienced sensitivity reader, she has been dedicated to reducing harmful content in fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels, video games, and RPGs. She believes that kindness goes a long way, and that is reflected in her work. She loves encouraging other creative minds instead of putting them down. She thinks it’s always best to assume good intentions even when sensitivity issues must be addressed.
You’ll almost always find her with a nose in a book if she’s not deadlifting her body weight in the gym. She loves making your work shine because she knows firsthand how hard it is to put yourself out there. She also enjoys simply geeking out over well-crafted storytelling and gushing about how awesome you are!
As a queer woman of color, she is particularly interested in reading for sensitivity issues relating to racism and queer discrimination. She also has experience with Caribbean dialects and is comfortable with US and UK English and their usage.
Her favorite genres are Literary Fiction, Women’s Fiction, Fantasy, Romance, Erotica Mystery/Suspense, Action/Thrillers, Science Fiction/Paranormal, Young Adult, and Horror.
Sensitivity / Expert
- Anxiety, Depression, and Suicidal Ideation
- Trauma Associated with Childhood Bullying
- Executive Dysfunction Associated with ADHD
- Racism, Microaggressions, Racial Profiling
- Fat Politics
- Interracial Relationships, Racism & The Dating Scene
- Math Anxiety and Dyscalculia
- Afro-Latinx Culture
- Immigrant Experience, Alien Status & Deportation Anxiety
- Jamaican Patois, Patois, AAVE, Caribbean Dialects
- The Caribbean
- Eating Disorders (EDNOS, Binge Eating, Purging, Restriction & Food Obsession)
- Catholicism
- Multiculturalism in the USA (Specifically African American And Afro-Caribbean American Culture)
- Music & Musical Theatre Major, Experience in Musical Theatre, Auditioning, Stage Management
- Feminism
- Weightlifting, Powerlifting, Swimming And CrossFit
- Black Politics, Reparations, And Black Activism (BLM Etc.)
- POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), GERD, Hidden Illnesses
- Anxious Attachment
- Weightlifting, Powerlifting and CrossFit
- Fandom, Cosplay and Fanfic
Preferred Genres
Literary Fiction Women’s Fiction Young Adult Mystery Paranormal Science Fiction
Avoided Genres