Ravi Teixeira is a Cape Verdean American and transgender cartoonist, editor, sensitivity reader extraordinaire!

They graduated with a BFA at Montserrat College of Art in 2018, and have a passion for books of all kinds. Ravi has written two books about Les Miserables, and their illustrations and comics have been featured in many gallery shows, collaborative zines, and anthologies. When they aren’t writing or doodling pictures of gays of color, Ravi enjoys studying socialist theory, listening to embarrassing folk-punk, and singing in the shower.

  Sensitivity / Expert

  • Transmasculine and nonbinary people
  • Mixed Cape Verdean
  • Mixed or light-skinned people of color
  • Hard of hearing
  • Mental illness
  • Comics, graphic novels, etc.

 Preferred Genres

horror  historical  fantasy and romance  also  graphic novels 

 Avoided Genres

Gory violence  Non-consensual sexual content 

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