Kim is an experienced and kind developmental editor—maybe because she’s a mom, or maybe because she’s Canadian. But she has a knack
for meeting writers where they are and helping them identify the best ways to level up their story.
Whether she’s giving feedback on your manuscript or your query letter, Kim takes the time to share her reactions so you can watch in the comment bubbles as she enthuses over fun twists, makes gentle note of where plot points and character motivations can be clarified, and cheers both you and your main character on to victory. With her gift for honing sentence-level prose, and her keen awareness of the powerful craft elements that comprise an authentic, soul-wrenching tale, Kim’s edits will help you figure out just how far your story can go and build you a road map to take you there.
And maybe she’ll show you how to be less wordy than she is.
Having spent a worrying amount of time in the query trenches before finding her ever-amazing agent [Josh Adams of Adams Literary], Kim is particularly skilled in the elusive art of query writing, and the meticulous polishing of first chapters. If you have submission materials that could use a little more shine, we’ve got a Kim for that.
Kim also offers prose coaching services. If you keep getting feedback that people aren’t connecting with your writing, Kim can help you tackle your prose-level writing on a meticulous, line-by-line basis.
When she’s not editing, Kim can be found avoiding her laundry room, pretending to be funny on the internet (has she told you about her deep mistrust of penguins?), or bragging about how deeply flawed she is so you can feel better about yourself. You’re welcome.
Check out Kim’s spotlight post here!
Prose Coaching - $30 per 2,000 words
Through careful study of your writing, Kim will spotlight the areas where your prose shines brightest, and identify where additional polishing and development are needed. She’ll provide detailed inline notes suggesting sentence-level changes to increase the clarity and emotional impact of your writing, hone your unique voice, and ultimately help you level up your prose.
Also includes a custom-tailored edit letter with actionable feedback and resources to help guide you through the revision process.
Sensitivity / Expert
- Canadian
- Autistic
- Demisexual
- Mental Health (ADD, OCD, Anxiety, Depression, Suicidal Ideation)
- Difficult Pregnancies & Miscarriage
- Death of a Parent
- Performing Arts (Music)
Preferred Genres
Fantasy Contemporary Romance Science Fiction Mystery Dystopian Horror Humor Dark Quirky Middle Grade Picture Books Young Adult Adult Romcom
Avoided Genres