Memoir Soiree--You're Invited!

  • May 26, 2019
  • 2 minute read


Do you want to write a memoir, but you aren’t sure where to begin?

This June, Salt and Sage Books invites you to our Memoir Soiree, where you can get started. Here’s how:

  1. Follow the Salt and Sage Books Facebook Page.
  2. Write an answer to our daily memoir prompt.
  3. BOOK!

Starting June 1st, we’ll post a daily writing prompt on our Facebook page. The prompt will include a question or two about your life, and you can take a couple pages to write the answer.

Every day, we’ll also invite you to our friendly Facebook sprint group, which is great when you need some company and encouragement.

We’ll break the daily writing time down into bite-sized 15- to 30-minute sprints, and you can join our creative community and sprint alongside Salt and Sage editors and readers. We’d love to get to know you! Join here.

And at the end of the month, TA-DA!!! You will be the proud owner of a totally unique memoir. Way to go–we knew you could do it!

If you’d like your memoir to be a bound book on your shelf, we can also help make that happen. We offer full self-publishing services, including coaching, editing, formatting, and cover design. We can help you take your memoir from manuscript to printed copy. Click here to sign up for a consult, and we’ll customize a package to fit your needs.

Our Memoir Soiree is a great project for people who don’t consider themselves writers (yet).

You can also use our prompts as interview questions, to get to know someone special. This is a terrific gift to give to someone who loves sharing their story, and who would like a little help getting it onto the page.

The Memoir Soiree is also a fun way to participate in JuNoWriMo, and we’ll share the complete list of prompts in time for Camp NaNoWriMo in July, and NaNoWriMo in November.

Salt and Sage Books believes in you and your story. We think people who try new things are super brave, and we love helping you take your projects to the next level. Everyone has a story inside them–we hope you’ll tell yours.

Welcome to the Memoir Soiree! We’re gonna have a ball.

